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A Culinary Tradition From Italy

Stelline: A Classic Pasta for Broth-Based Soups

A culinary tradition from Italy

Small and versatile

Stelline, the classic star-shaped pasta, are a staple in the world of pasta dishes. Their small size and delicate shape make them perfect for adding a touch of elegance to broths and soups.

Comforting and nourishing

Soups are the ultimate comfort food, and Stelline are the ideal pasta to accompany them. They absorb the flavors of the broth, creating a delicious and satisfying meal. Whether you're looking for a quick and easy lunch or a comforting dinner, a bowl of soup with Stelline is sure to hit the spot.

Easy to prepare

Stelline are incredibly easy to prepare. Simply add them to boiling broth and cook for a few minutes until they reach the desired tenderness. They can also be added to other dishes, such as salads and casseroles, to add a touch of flavor and texture.


Stelline are a versatile and delicious pasta that can elevate any soup or broth-based dish. Their delicate shape and ability to absorb flavors make them a true culinary delight. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a home cook looking for a quick and easy meal, Stelline are the perfect pasta for creating a comforting and satisfying dish.
